Sunday, October 14, 2007

November 17th 2005

This time I didn’t bring my book, we expected to be in and out pretty quick, but I did bring my hp850 digital camera to take some pictures of Kristy during the ultrasound for our website and I wanted to get a picture of the keyboard for the ultrasound. This keyboard looks like something NASA would use to control a spaceship; it even has a joystick on one side.

Anyways, we didn’t have to wait too long, we got in to Room 2 with Jayne again and she went right to work. She measured for due date, which came up right on schedule as February 28th to March 1st, plus or minus four or five days, which showed us at twenty-five weeks and one day for this appointment.

Next she measured the baby’s size and he came up in the 46.6 percentile, average is 50% so that was fine. He now measured to be one pound and 12 ounces, so he has definitely grown since the last ultrasound where he measured a meager 11 ounces. We toured around again, looked at his hands and feet and spine, listened to his heart, a lot of the same things we did in the October 7th ultrasound.

In the end, everything looked great and he was just sitting really low as we expected all along. So much for the urgent ultrasound, there was nothing much to worry about, but better safe then sorry for sure.

We did trace his position and find that he likes to burry his head low, with his back on Kristy’s left (our right when we are looking at her), his bottom pointing up and his legs across the rest of Kristy’s stomach. This totally explains why Jill always finds his heart beat on Kristy’s left side and his little show off Doppler sessions.

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